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In the holiday homes with dogs and cats:
pet friendly facilities for your best 4-legged holiday

Vacanza con animali ammessi

A holiday is not a real holiday if we are forced to separate from our four-legged friends.

Don't worry ... Dolomites Rentals  has also thought of you and your faithful adventure companion, providing you with solutions in which your pet will always be welcome!

Residences and apartments that accept dogs, cats and other pets in Trentino. Look for the best pet-friendly holiday homes where your four-legged friends are allowed with the services they offer to host them.

Send us  your request for an apartment, house or villa in Trentino!




7 guests / 2 bedrooms



Passo Rolle

4 guests / 2 bedrooms




5 guests / 2 bedrooms

Having a pet, dog, cat, bunny, hamster or bird is an amazing experience.
In Italy, more and more families, couples and even singles decide to adopt a pet. According to some estimates, the number of animals living in Italian homes is 59 million including dogs, cats, fish, rodents and birds.
Naturally, there are more precise estimates on the number of dogs in Italy since they are the only pets to be registered in the registry office: in Italy there are about 7 million dogs living in the house.  Just think that the number of indoor cats exceeds that of dogs: 7.5 million cats.
Compared to these numbers, it is estimated that in Italy almost eight million families host an animal. Consequently, the expenses for the basic necessities of animals and also those for so-called luxury goods have increased.
It is therefore a must to think about solutions for four-legged friends.
Fortunately, pet-friendly structures, B & Bs, Hotels, Holiday Homes that offer the possibility of hosting small animals are now widespread throughout the national territory. We at Dolomiti Rents love animals and have selected ad hoc solutions to accommodate you and your four-legged friend.

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