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We answer your questions

All you need to know before renting your home 

What are Short Rentals?

The short-term rental identifies a type of rental with a duration of less than 30 days, with regulatory aspects varying from region to region. Relying on Dolomiti Rents  It means:

  • Choose the security of a team of experts able to free you from any bureaucratic and administrative burden.

  • Seize  the opportunity to earn with your properties  in a flexible and more profitable way than traditional renting.

When is the short rent worth it?

Short Rent is the most convenient way to rent and is right for you if:

  • You have a home in an area of tourist interest  short rent is the ideal solution for you! Big cities, seaside resorts, lakes or mountains: tourists and travelers from all over the world are looking for a home like yours for their holidays.

  • You have  a house you rarely use  for business purposes or if you have a second home. With the short rent you can have a supplementary income and use your home whenever you want.

  • You have  a house you plan to sell. The traditional 4 + 4 rent would bind you for a long time while with the short rent you are free to manage the sale at any time.

  • You want to make a real estate investment income  and get the most out of your income.

  • You have a property  which maybe it is  difficult to rent: eg. the former porters, second home, inheritance house, family court house, etc ...

  • You leave your home empty for long periods.

Is your situation not one of them? Find out if your home is suitable for short-term rent:  CONTACT US


Choosing to rent with the Dolomiti Rents short formula means choosing flexibility, security and higher yields.

  • You are not bound by the standard contract terms (4 + 4), so you are always free to dispose of your home as you see fit. Dolomiti Rentals, with the short-term rental formula, guarantees you an income but at the same time offers you the possibility of interrupting the service at any time without costs.

  • You no longer have to worry about defaulting tenants! The short term rentals of Dolomiti Rents are safe. You will be constantly updated on your income and, at the end of the month, Dolomiti Rents will pay you back your monthly income. Maximum security and total transparency!

  • Dolomiti Rents, thanks to an optimized management system, guarantees you the highest income in the sector. Our experts know how to best rent your home by taking advantage of seasonality and events to make you earn even more by managing prices dynamically and taking care of your profile constantly.

What are the advantages of short-term rentals over traditional rentals?

If I am a private individual, can I make short-term rentals?

Yes sure!

Do you pay taxes?

In the case of properties owned by private individuals, to the proceeds deriving from the short-term rental  the flat rate tax of 21% applies  in the tax return (up to a maximum of 3 properties).
For further information on tax and administrative issues do not hesitate to
  contact us.

Can I cancel a reservation?

Relying on the services of Dolomiti Rents  we will manage all aspects for you  leaving you completely  free from chores. To prevent your home from acquiring negative scores, it would always be better not to cancel confirmed bookings. It will be enough to notify us 15 days in advance and us  we will cancel bookings based on your needs!

Is the contract with Dolomiti Rents flexible?

Absolutely yes, the Dolomiti Rents management contract  is  extremely flexible. You always can  suspend the service (even temporarily) when you want and at no cost. The only courtesy we ask you is to notify us as soon as you can in order not to cancel any confirmed bookings.  You can withdraw at any time  at no cost.

How and when are my earnings paid out?

If you decide to entrust your home to Dolomiti Rents  you know you can rely on a partner who follows you at 360 ° with the utmost transparency. For this we collect your earnings and  we will pay them back to you by the 20th of the following month.

How do i protect myself from damage?

All members of the Dolomiti Rents team  I am  make sure  to cover up any damage they might do while working in your home. To better protect you and your home  we have  stipulated  agreements with the best insurance companies  for damages to third parties and the content.  The cost of the insurance, which we recommend to take out, is around € 100 per year. If something is not clear, do not hesitate to contact us.  GO

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