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Pensiamo a tutto noi!

In Dolomiti Affitti trasformiamo il tuo immobile nelle Dolomiti in una redditizia opportunità di affitto a breve termine. La nostra esperienza e competenza nel settore ci permettono di massimizzare il rendimento del tuo appartamento, garantendo un servizio a 5 stelle per ogni ospite. Affidati a noi per trasformare la tua proprietà in un investimento vincente.

Il nostro servizio di Gestione Completa è disponibile a Cavalese e zone limitrofe in Val di Fiemme, ed è dedicato a chi non ha tempo o competenze nel mondo degli affitti brevi.

Il servizio di GESTIONE COMPLETA, prevede una commissione del 25% + Iva 10% sull'incasso effettivo (ossia al netto delle eventuali commissioni dei portali di prenotazione online OTA).

Mettere a reddito una casa vacanza sulle Dolomiti è semplice se decidi di affidarla a noi.

Servizi compresi con la gestione completa

Photo shoot

The image is fundamental, it is the business card with which you present yourself to the customer. For this reason we provide a photographer, an interior professional.


You no longer have to worry about payments, we manage all reservations with virtual advance payments and on site, so there are no doubts about the success of the month.

Calendar Management

​We manage calendars on the various portals, operating with revenue management strategies to optimize occupancy and rates.

Cleaning and linen

At the end of the stay, we take care of tidying up, carefully cleaning the apartment and changing the linen, observing the highest professional standards.

Portal insertion

We create and publish the announcement of your apartment on the main booking portals. Booking, AirBnb, Expedia, Vrbo etc. Visibility on more than 100 portals.

Online assistance

We manage all communications with guests for you during the booking phase.  Quotes, cancellations, deposits and requests.


We think in real time about carrying out all the mandatory functions regarding reporting to the police station, Istat, and tourist tax for municipalities. This way you, the owner, can sleep peacefully.

Control Panel

You will have access to our management system to view bookings and the progress of your apartment.

Rate Management

We have a dedicated rate management team available that allows us to optimize prices as much as possible to guarantee maximum occupancy at the best price and make you earn more. 

Payment Management

We will collect guests' payments before they even set foot in the apartment, and every month we will pass on the proceeds to you net of our fees.

Check-in -Check-out

We receive the guest in your apartment. We clearly illustrate all the functional aspects of the property. At check-out we check the status of your apartment.


As required by law, we will withhold and remit to the Revenue Agency the flat rate tax of 21% on rental income.

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